My answer to that would be, BULLSHIT! sadly there IS a small number of black americans who use "you are just mad because I'm black" as an excuse for any number of bad behaviors. while bad behavior is by no means limited to the black american population , by any stretch of the imagination. only black americans will use the color of their skin as an excuse. 3 examples 1 I had taped off with "caution do not enter" tape an area that I was working in. in the area I was opening the lids of underground storage tanks(gas tanks) . a black man walked into the taped off area , and lit a cigarette , I asked him to please smoke outside of the taped area( I WAS very polite) , his response was "you are just saying that because I'm black" ( HUH? WTF?!!) . "no sir I'm saying that because flammable vapors may exist in these pits ,and an explosion or fire would be bad for both of us" (my response). his response was "you are just a racist white boy that hates black people doing what they want"( WTF!!!!!) at this point I did fly "off the handle" and yelled "listen asshole , I don't care if you blow yourself up , I don't want to be burned just because some stupid fuck decides it's his right to smoke cigarettes in a dangerous area!" , he left the area then. Dammit , I tried to be honest and polite , and tried to explain that the area was in fact , a hazard . It wasn't until I had act like an irrational jerk that he finally "got the message" , nothing I had to say had anything whatsoever to do with race, I was only interested in safety. But this guy wanted to make it a racial issue when it had nothing to do with race at all.
2 in this one I had closed 3 out of 4 gas Islands at a large gas station. a black american couple drove up to the front pump ( there was a long line of cars waiting to fill up at this time) I did not say anything at all , however a man who was filling up and had waited through the line made several (loud) comments that "it must be nice not to wait in line like everybody else" . The (black american) woman responded "You are Not talking to me , I Know you are not talking to me" (duh . he was , and she knew it).The black male passenger was laughing,( I actually completely sympathize with him in this case .) It is possible , due to the layout of the place that the couple simply drove up to the first available pump after eating a meal.(this was a truck stop/gas station , so if a person went inside and say ate a meal , they might not notice the long line on the opposite side of the pumps from where they were (this is why I did not say anything , I can forgive a simple misunderstanding , but if it was intentional( I don't want to wait) then it was simply extremely (and deliberately) rude.). in the end she made noise , the other driver made noise , and the black passenger was laughing ( like I said I can sympathize if it was in fact accidental , in the passengers place I would have thought of it as a humorous "oops" situation also). in that situation the whole reason I did not say anything was that it could have been a truly honest mistake , I can forgive an honest mistake , no matter how dumb it MAY seem. the only thing that irked me , is that it seemed that this woman seemed to be "hiding behind her race".
3 this happened to my neighbor , (who is also white) He got a brake job at a local shop , when he pulled out of the shop and tried to use his brakes , the pedal went to the floor and he almost got into an accident at the driveway of the shop. Now I know that my neighbor is an "emotional type" so he probably just screamed at the mechanic (who was black) "are you trying to kill me?!!"( I doubt it). the mechanics answer? "you're just yelling at me because I'm black" (WTF?!!) OK folks , I would not have reacted in such an extreme manner . (never attribute to malice , what can be attributed to incompetence or stupidity). my own reaction (barring an accident , in which case I would have consulted a lawyer for maximum benefit). would have been something like "you seem to have forgotten something , can you please check my brakes again?" but the reaction of the mechanic was again " you are just yelling at me because I'm black". I am sorry folks , but your race is NOT justification for a mistake , no matter how honest of a mistake it was , just say "I am sorry for the mistake , and it won't happen again. AND FIX IT!!!". A mistake that you learn from is a good thing , it prevents you from making the same mistake again. The reaction of "You are just yelling because I'm black" can NOT have any other effect than make a (white) person wonder , did this guy just do this to see how high a white guy will jump?
The simple fact is neither black nor white race relations in the U.S. will allow for the concept of "shame" to enter the equation. The biggest reason that the Asian population has established itself so successfully is the the simple fact that they understand very well what "shame" actually is. Almost no American , regardless of race , actually understands the concept of "shame".