is a blog called field negro racist?
is a blog called g bitch spot sexist?
is a blog called adventures of the coconut caucus, tag line "we put the panic in hispanic" racist?
is a blot called the free slave racist?
this is my point from the post about the cartoon and if its racist and I am not sure whether anyone actually caught my double entrendre which referenced a spike lee film and malcolm x all at once. how can you know about what is racist if you dont look deeper or at least, go there with a brotha.
so my final question before I invite you to go there deeper with my links to places you should visit,
do you agree or disagree with this statement "Do not pay war taxes. I believe in taking my reparations upfront."
so here are some links and first to the one and only francis l holland I think is theres not enough dialog for democrats to even relate to people of color.