You know, the ones who think they can judge a person's legal status to be in the USA by the color of their skin.
The ones who see an emergency room crowded with Hispanic looking people and immediately think they are "illegals" rather than think these are the working poor who are either citizens or legally here (most in ER's are "legal").
http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSN26407393http://thinkprogress.org/2007/11/27/healthcare-immigrant/Well these race based bashers are now getting what they deserve.
The Republican Party is sealing it's fate to be a minority party...forever:
Poll: Hispanics shift toward Democratshttp://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071206/ap_on_el_pr/hispanic_voters_poll The RW harps on the false notion that the Hispanic immigrant is mainly here illegally for the "welfare" and medical "handouts". They love playing the "lazy Mexican" stereotype card.
This is now hurting them politically.
I believe we do have issues with the labor pool being deluded with cheap labor from the south and don't overlook the high tech sector and the H1B and school visa overstay abuse, but that is an employer issue.
To get to the root, which I believe is illegal hiring, we must focus on each other (our friends and neighbors who pick up day laborers, nannys, etc.. illegally) and the corporations who also employ illegally to save a buck.
We hold the solution and it is not as expensive as trying to stop every single person from coming here illegally over thousands of miles border.
I do think tighter security at the borders is in order but if we, as a Nation, changed our minds and made it unbearable on those who hire illegally, the side affects of creating this draw via offering employment, which include driving down of wages and mass border crossing, I believe, would dwindle to manageable levels.
Republicans seem to be busy self-marginalizing into a regional southern, white evangelical party allied with national business interests.
sidenote: this post is a compiled post from bits and pieces of earlier posts I made.---