IT’S AMAZING—though rarely reported—that, had President Bill Clinton granted executive clemency to Leonard Peltier in 2001—which, of course, he did not—Senator Hillary Clinton would now be the Democratic nominee and likely next President of the United States of America.
WELL BEFORE the January 2008 Iowa caucuses that propelled Barack Obama to his stunning win over Hillary in the primaries, Hollywood mogul David Geffen—a longtime Clinton supporter—announced he was putting his money in 2008 on Obama, for whom he threw a lavish Hollywood fundraiser in Dec. '07 —because Bill, cowering before overt FBI pressure, had refused to grant long-expected executive clemency to Leonard Peltier, a man both he—and especially the FBI—KNEW and KNOW to be INNOCENT of the FBI’s illegally trumped-up charges of killing two FBI agents in the 1976 so-called “Incident at Oglala.”
PRISON LIFE is Leonard's Sun Dance, his sacrificial suffering on behalf of his People. He will be 64 next week (Sept.12, 2008), has been falsely imprisoned since he was 31, and every one of the 11,000-plus days he's spent in prison has left its mark on his soul. His very life is an ACCUSATION against those who put him—a man they know to be innocent—where he is for 3-plus decades now. He should not suffer another hour for the 'crime' of being an Indian.
I SAY TO THE FBI, pleading from my deepest Soul, allow this innocent man to spend the final years of his life with his People. No admissions need be made. Give Leonard and his People the release that millions around the world have prayed and worked for and continue praying and working for. He's been a Symbol for long enough. Let him go. Practice a bit of Redemption and you may receive some yet for yourselves.
I HAVE LONG CALLED for a BLANKET PARDON from the President for ALL PERSONS involved in the 'Reign of Terror' at Pine Ridge during the years 1973 (Wounded Knee II) to 1976 (Oglala firefight) and after--whether Indians, AIMsters, GOONs, paramilitary, FBI, BIA, whomever--lift ALL potential charges on ALL the individuals involved. Let those involved in those tragic days breath free air again--retired Special Agents fearing prosecution if the truth were revealed, as well as Mr. Peltier and even newer victims of ongoing judicial/govt misconduct such as Arlo Looking Cloud and John Graham.
MR PRESIDENT, tear down this WALL OF SHAME! Let's cleanse ourselves--ALL of us. Let's turn to the new millennium while a dwindling number of old-timers, guilty or not, concern themselves with Eternity and not the "Reign of Terror."
PLEASE, if you care, FWD this email to comments@whitehouse.gov
Add your own comments and please CC a copy to me as well as to info@barackobama.com .
Blessings & Strength to all—we’ll be needing plenty of both in the weeks and months ahead. Leonard has a rare formal parole hearing in December 2008—last month of Bush’s reign. Should he be denied, his next parole hearing will not be until 2017. Please act NOW!!
And DO check out www.whoisleonardpeltier.info
Harvey Arden www.haveyouthought.com