On Nov 24, 5:31 am, baldeagle <botakea...@yahoo.com.sg> wrote: > In a TV Panorama program called "Is Africa addicted to aid ?", BBC > look at ..what happened to the African states who have been receiving > billions in aid ...for the last 50 years from Western nations. > > The BBC reporters found that western nations have been giving billions > and billions in aid over the last fifty years...yet conditions of the > life of African has NOT improved much. The TV producer blamed > corruptions in African... and come to the conclusion that African > nations are addicted to western aid.
No, that is the wrong paradigm for understanding Africa.
What was evident as much as 40 years ago, and has not improved, is the relationship between black and white, African and Caucasian. Colonialism, since whites first came to Africa, including the slave trade and the extensive missionary period, going through bad anthropology commonly known as "the noble savage" epoch in ethnographic study, and extensive misappropriation without real cultural understanding of artifacts, plus the rape of the continent for its natural resources, has largely increased the antipathy. In many instances the communist versus capitalist, eastern bloc versus western alliance Cold War struggle pushed the polarity to a new extreme. Insistence by both east and west on a completely polar dialectical opposition, based on belief in ideology not any real rational and reasonable science of facts, with both sides led to believe in inevitable apocalyptic destruction, left Africa in the middle of a tug of war where Africa was the biggest loser. That insistence on dialectic led to white / black racism from both sides of the polarity. It is the fault of communism and capitalism from the Cold War era that existing tendencies of racism were increased to where the fascist skin color divide is the pre-eminent decisive characteristic. That fascism has increased due to both sides being "right wing". We have what we must look upon as "right wing" fascist communism, and "right wing" fascist capitalism worsening the racial issue without either side considering the material, social, cultural, and political impact of history and existing circumstances in any real and practical terms.
You have to understand that racism served the western alliance in the attempt to divide Africa apart from eastern (white) communism. It similarly was a tool of communism to divide Africa from its white "colonial oppressors", the western world. Essentially a politics of being forced into a racism of pushed between a rock and a hard place. A dialectic of black white divide on a fascist level of skin color cannot ever be truly overcome. It only becomes worse. The pre-existing conditions for that divide can never be remedied as the divide becomes more fascist in nature. That is more superficial, based on racial skin color, rather than on any other characteristic of human relation, commerce, or cooperation for the common good.
The racial problem in that burden of negative political history, and the emotional baggage of a forced religion followed by a forced politics, with cultural usurpation being the norm, plus the dialectic of the Cold War era, has led to a very strange relation to aid.
You have to remember that communism can be as right wing or as left wing as capitalism. Stalinist USSR style communism was "right wing" communism. Thus fascist communism.
That Stalinist style communism sought to use dialectic between white and black race as the skin colour polarity decisive of political position in international struggle as a catalyst for race war, which they hoped would envelop America and destroy it. So you can see that a lot was at stake with the left wing to create a larger and larger divide between blacks and whites, particularly in Africa.
It is simply this.
Take anything THEY give, whether you need it or not and whether it is the right thing or not. Sometimes taking the wrong thing as aid, is better. You can take more that way and taking is a means of PUNISHING them. That is take from whites whatever you can get, because they are white. Even if you don't need it. Throw it away rather than not take it. Take it with a lie if you can. You can see this trend in the growth of African originated scams, frauds, and other unethical actions perpetrated primarily against whites, but also against blacks who have emigrated and are seen as allied with white culture. Look on it like a massive fine for cultural subjugation, rape of the land, and the bringing of all the ills of white culture to Africans. That includes the ill of missionary religion, particularly religion American style.
We saw this pattern beginning to evolve back in the 1960s. It was already apparent. Expensive machinery sent to promote agricultural improvements, was simply destroyed. It was inexplicable. No one would use it. No one seemed to want it. It was there, as requested and accepted, but it was simply ignored, and left to decay into ruin. Actually an expected result when you consider the Cold War dialectic of white versus black and the levels of black anger as to the forcing of white originated ideologies, religious and political, inclusive of economic, onto African blacks.
Robert Morpheal