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What are Homo-Cons?

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Eye See You Donating Member (115 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-21-05 03:36 PM
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What are Homo-Cons?

What are Homo-cons?

Homosexuality is still the anathema of the big 3 religions of the Human race. It is sinful and just wrong according to them. Contemporary and thinking people just don’t give chitty ditty squat about it, me included. After the Stonewall riots in 1969 the Gay rights movement was born. It is the twenty first century and the gay community is still fighting for their rights, sad, and really sad that Homophobia still exist. There are two types of Gays. One who is out of the closet and is not ashamed of being Gay and the other, the closet Gay, one who is an ashamed of their sexuality. The self hating male homosexual gravitates toward fundamental Christianity or right wing politics. The Republican Party has an out of the closet Gay group called, “The Log Cabin club”. Their main concerns are a conservative economy and an open market for Gay business people. The other types of Gays in the GOP are the Homo-Cons. They are very secretive about their sexuality. They get married to the opposite sex and have children. To cover up their shame, they act Homophobic and attack other Homosexuals. You might think that Right Wing Christians who orchestrated the Anti-Gay marriage drive. Nope! It was the Homo-cons in the Bush administration who invented it.
The stereotype of the Gay male is that they act effeminate. In some cases, that might be true. But the self-hating Gay male worships masculinity. They love violence and forms of masculine expression. You see them on motorcycles or the shooting rage. They love Football and beer. They blend in the macho landscape. The right wing has always supported male supremacy. The early Nazi movement in Germany had the, “Brown Shirts”. These were the original Homo-Cons. When Hitler got power then the Nazi eliminated them. Homo-Cons love sexual repression. They love secret rendezvous behind their wives backs and have village people sex in a locker room after hours. A lot of Republicans love sexual perversions. They want it secret and underground. That is why they hate liberals who want sexuality to be open. They are stuck in the Victorian age and they the Left are spoiling it for them. They are sick puppies and need to seek psychiatric treatment. It. Sexually repressed Gay men become vicious and evil because they hate themselves. So they lash out at people. It is oblivious that Karl Rove is a Homo-Con. Which explains him vicious nature?
Right wing writer Richard Goldstein has a book about this very subject. Though I disagree with his views he is right on this subject… Check out the links below.

Here are the links.

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swimmernsecretsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-21-05 03:55 PM
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1. Oh. I thought this was a thread on HBO's OZ.
Although that line about "village people sex in a locker room after hours" was pretty racy...kept getting a visual of people doing those arm movements that form Y-M-C-A, though.
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Democrats_win Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-21-05 04:01 PM
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2. Its always the same, climb the ladder of success and pull up the ladder.
This idea transcends time and every subdivision of the human race. History calls them traitors. Twenty-first century Americans call it "selling out."

I can't blame them because they must protect their possessions. They are no longer free, they are possessed too.
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FuzzyDicePHL Donating Member (698 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-31-05 12:32 AM
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3. "village people sex??"
LOL! :wtf:
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