I predict that future civilizations will address the idea of marriage as an ancient and possibly barbaric tradition. What exactly is Marriage at this moment in time? Will the values that it stands for seem like realistic social norms in an ever growing society producing more and more independent minds? Centuries ago, Marriage was not influenced by love, but of property and social status. Throughout the entire era in which Marriage has existed, Woman’s intuition to love and choose who they love only account for a very small percentage of time. Society as a whole has exponentially distanced itself from the antiquated, male dominated paradigm, but we are now only at the beginning of the inevitable equality of gender roles. Right now, it is 2010, yet Women were only given the right to vote less than a hundred years ago. Much has changed, undeniably for the better, but it’s no coincidence that most of our Grandparents are still married, yet over 50% of the youth today are products of broken homes. Although the rules of marriage are always changing with every generation, the basic rule of monogamy seems to be the most intimidating commitment when considering marriage. This does make a lot of sense for realm we currently know. We are exceptional beings who posses a multitude of emotions, one being jealousy. Jealousy spawned from love and lust and can be extremely powerful and detrimental to ones behavior make up. I’ve often pondered of how much of jealousy is conditioned through nurture of cultural norms, and the natural adaptation of our mental encumbrance. The disheartening pain humans endure after being given word of being cheated on is often due to the haunting metal image of someone else having sex with someone you value so close. It seems to me that most individuals naturally imagine a worse and more heartbreaking scenario than what had actually occurred. Men have often imagined a disrespectful and degrading encounter similar to those of pornographic movies; which could be very detrimental to the emotional stability (Jealousy) of any natural human. I ask why we as a society expect others to behave disrespectful to our loved ones in times of infidelity and passion. I believe it is all tied in with the fact that yet gender roles are becoming more equal, we are not quite there yet. The degradation of woman still exists in societal minds. We have all seen how cruel and sadistic some people can be when expressing past encounters of sexual disclosure. A similar example is racism. It still very much exists, just not as publicly accepted. I'd like to entertain the idea that our future society will become more and more civilized. Civilized meaning respectful to every human being. Sex would only represent love, and love would be universal. The idea of free sex would not be feared by jealous nature and heartache. No one would confuse sex as anything more than a celebration of life and love for all humanity. The dreadful thoughts of sexual games, intimidation, and degradation would no longer exist to entice our brains with thoughts of protective empowerment. Marriage is inevitably on its way out of the mainstream majority, but not anytime soon. I have no doubt in my mind that the idea of monogamy will slowly be replaced by universal respect. The jealous, confusing heartaches that we now experience will evolve into a more realistic cultural acceptance of our innate desire to yearn for intimacy with a multitude of different people.
Any feedback?