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racism in du

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cleofus1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 01:55 PM
Original message
racism in du
why is it some people think it is ok to post this kind of shit in the lounge? or anywhere on du...

Music industry man: What kind of song do you want?
Jennifer Lopez: Something hot and spicy!

Jennifer Lopez: Spicier.

Jennifer Lopez: Spicier!

Burrito. Taco taco. Burrito. Taco. Taco taco.
Don't think just because I got a lot of money,
I'll give you taco-flavored kisses, honey.
Fulfill all your wishes
with my taco-flavored kisses.

Taco taco. Burrito burrito. Taco taco.
Fulfill all your wishes
with my taco-flavored kisses! Taco taco.

Music industry dude: She's fantastic! Who is she?
Different music man: Believe it or not, her name is Jennifer Lopez!
First guy: That makes sense, she reminds me of J-Lo.
2nd guy: Yeah, but she's younger and spicier!
Jennifer Lopez (singing): Taco taco. Burrito burrito. Taco taco.
2nd guy: I don't think J-Lo would like it very much if we signed this new girl.
1st guy: No, you're right. We're gonna have to fire J-Lo.

Different guy: All right, Ms. Lopez, let's take it from the top.

Baby, let's make a run for the border,
I've got a hunger only tacos can stop.
I know exactly what I'll order
three tacos, two tostadas, and a soda pop.

Gentlemen, we have ourselves a hit.

I need to make a run for the border.
If you pay, I'll take off my top.
Do you remember what I want to order?
Three tacos, two tostadas, and a soda pop.

Yea-ah, and don't forget the hot sauce, chulo.

Sexy automobile: *car driving noises*
Jennifer Lopez: Oh, Ben, I am so happy. The cool breeze blowing through my hair in your sexy automobile.
Ben Affleck: Let's spend the whole day together!

Oh, Ben, you are so perfect.
So spectacularrr in every way.
You bring light into my life, Ben.
You almost make me forget all about...tacoos!
Ooh, tacos so good in my tummy yummy yummy give me more.
(camera noises in background)
I love you, Ben, you almost make me forget about.....tacoooos.

Sexy automobile: *car driving noises*
Ben Affleck: Jenny, I have to tell you something. I...I think I love you.
Jennifer Lopez: Oh, I love you too, Ben! But...
Ben Affleck: But what?
Jennifer Lopez: But what if you still have feelings for the slut with the large (BUTT)?
Sexy automobile: *car stopping noises*
Ben Affleck: I still care for her, you have so much more going on...up here.
Jennifer Lopez: Oh, Ben. Ben...
Ben Affleck: Jenny, can I kiss you?
Eric Cartman: NO!!
Jennifer Lopez: Yes, oh yes, Ben, kiss me!
Eric Cartman: Aw, (BOB) (DARN) it!
*Jen and Ben make out*
Eric Cartman: Aw, aw, dude!
Ben Affleck: Mmm, just like tacos.
Jennifer Lopez: Taco-flavored kisses for my Ben.
Ben Affleck: You're so hot, baby.
Jennifer Lopez: I make you hot, Ben?
Ben Affleck: Mm, yeah.
*making out continues*
Ben Affleck: Oh, Jenny. Oh, Jenny!
*pants unzip, noises occur*
Jennifer Lopez: Yes...
Ben Affleck: Oh, (BOB), Jenny!
Jennifer Lopez: Oh, Ben, my darling!
Ben Affleck: Oh! Oh! (continues)
Eric Cartman: Oh, sick! Aw, that's it, we're leaving now!
Ben Affleck: But I love her!
Jennifer Lopez: Ben!
Ben Affleck: Jenny! Jenny, I'll call you!
Jennifer Lopez: I love you, Ben!

Ooh, baby, baby, can I have your tacos?
Those tacos sure look good!
I'm just Jenny from the hood!
Ooh, can I have your tacos?
Ooh, I--
Oh, stop, stop!
(music stops)
What the (HECK) is wrong with you!?
You chulos can't even keep a beat!
I deserve better than this!
I am Hennifer Hlopez!
Where's my water?
Not Evian, Deligrino you stupid (WITCH)!!
(music industry man whimpers)
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daninthemoon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 01:56 PM
Response to Original message
1. I've only seen this posted by you.
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 01:57 PM
Response to Original message
2. please alert posts such as these for Mod review
thank you
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Bush_Eats_Beef Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 02:02 PM
Response to Original message
3. A very simple explanation.
Edited on Sat Sep-17-05 02:03 PM by Bush_Eats_Beef
Short version #1: some people simply don't care.

Short version #2: some people REALLY like offending other people. They LIKE to post offensive material on DU, sit back, and watch the reactions.

Wish that I had a more complex response for you, but I don't.
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Smallberries Donating Member (40 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 02:13 PM
Response to Original message
4. Because some people think South Park is funny...
The humor-impaired, however, may disagree.
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OldLeftieLawyer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 02:15 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. It's from South Park,
not something dreamed up by someone on DU.

Are we the only two here who watch South Park?

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mcscajun Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 02:17 PM
Response to Original message
6. Haven't seen that posted here anywhere...but I *did* see it on South Park
Quite some time ago.

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cleofus1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 02:40 PM
Response to Original message
7. it was posted in the lounge
Edited on Sat Sep-17-05 02:57 PM by cleofus1
and i know it is originally from south park...

and i have a fine sense of humor...and i did alert on it...

and it is very offensive none the less...

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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 03:08 PM
Response to Original message
8. Locking
This is a continuation of another locked thread and the original post has been addressed and dealt with.
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