As a white 20 something male that is in the lower-middle class of the economy, I’d like to just share my 2 cents on why white males are so aggressive. First it’s all about economic class, haves and have-nots. You have the rich white males with wealth, money, power, fine things in life they make up the majority of the 5% extremely filthy rich here in America they are the real haves. Then you have the Upper-middle class, Middle Class, Lower-middle class, and poverty making up the have-nots, with each class starting with Upper-Middle class being envious of the classes above it in the economic ladder along with this there is a era of uppity behavior towards classes below from the higher economic class.
Being envious is jealousy for which leads to resentment, so how come there isn’t some major earth shattering resentment towards the very top 5 percent the haves? It’s because they know how to manipulate the have-nots they have been doing this for centuries ever wonder how monarchies lasted as long as they did. They’ve gotten better with time using things such as gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and geographic differences to divide and conquer. This isn’t just white males this is every demographic: Male Vs Female, White Vs Black, Muslim Vs Christian, Gay Vs Straight, North Vs South and so on, all the have-nots are distracted by this issue in the mean time all staying oppressed while as the old saying goes the rich get richer.
Back on the subject of aggressive white males, as I’ve said before I am a white male, I’m also Christian along with being straight and living in a northern state. Minus not having my vehicle pasted with yellow magnets and being a flag waving republican aggressive white male, I have things in common with a lot of them. They are the way they are because they look like the haves but they aren’t and most never will be, some come to accept this and some need to find reason, an excuse. Please no one Take this the wrong way, but as a white male I’m not allowed to come up with a reason for the outcome of my standing on the social/Economic class system. I can’t say I’m being discriminated against because of my gender, skin color, religion, or sexual preference, I appear to be in the haves by my appearance but is the haves that are working against me and every other have-nots white males and everyone else to keep us all oppressed. If I state this to an average white male I’d get “Pull yourself up by your boot straps’ type response.
Where the aggression comes into play well since there are no real reasons {besides my previous sentence) for those who haven’t figure out what I seen then an excuse has to be made by the white male, some make up excuses often times in fear on their own or someone else manipulates them such as media outlets (example rich right-wing AM radio personalities that happen to be Haves) discriminating against other forms of minorities placing blame on them for their problems and society at large, is the simple excuse. You often hear “my job got outsource to India those damn Indians stole my job,” truth is it wasn’t the Indian that stole your job it was the rich haves that happened to be running the company that caused this. “I can’t find a job cause all the damn illegal Mexicans are stealing jobs from Americans” well once again it’s the haves not the illegal Mexicans benefiting from this the most. “My favorite radio and TV Stations just switched formats to Spanish only and last week” the Hispanics might seem to be benefiting from this but who’s making the money off even more than before the switch guess the haves who own it. See Companies run by haves don’t see gender, race, religion or sexual preference; they only see green and how that can make more money off the have-nots, why else would the give minorities in pro sports such large wages because it makes them money in return. To give an example and the exact point in history when this came into effect was during the civil rights movement, when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white male she was arrest, the African Americans in the community boycotted the bus company for like a year, in that time the bus company just about went bankrupt with lose of revenue from the loss of the African American bus riders, guess what happened the bus company soon started giving them equal rights on their buses not because they where being nice because the wanted their business again. Over time all smart haves running companies realized what happened with the bus company didn’t want this happen to them as well.
It’s not just economical that causes the development of the Aggressive White male, it’s social as well. An example of this would be “I didn’t get accepted at the university because of affirmative action they picked a minority with lower grades over me” hey does happened but what if it was found that some of the white males accepted was picked because of their families were haves, it happened with George W. Bush it happens all the time. As a straight white male there are careers that labeled “Women’s Work” such as working as a nurse, a florist, a secretary that are big no-no’s for men to choose to work if they do they are labeled gay. I’ve worked in one of these fields and traveling everyday in my job, personally the amount of aggression from fellow white males I experienced was unbelievable I was called every name in the book from them and I guess they thought I was gay cause I work in a field dominated by women, I don’t know if since they thought they knew what I was if they felt they could let their aggression out on me without response. Another case of stirring up aggressive behavior in have-not white males by haves is same sex marriage the often quoted response is “it will ruin the sanity of marriage.” I’m sorry but when over 50% of marriages end in divorce I think straight people need to lay off gay people and let them have a shot at it maybe that will dip make below 50% then and anyways maybe with one less thing to worry about the aggressive white male will but more energy in his own marriage. I don’t even think I need to get into all the years of aggression against African Americans, we all should know by now the stories of aggressive behavior or even the last few years post 911 all the fear and excuses used by the haves against all the American have-nots for personal gain you can read all that here on democratic underground. There some much more examples of causes of aggressive white males but I don’t want to write a book here so I’ve spoken my peace I hope I open some eyes on this subject and not cause anyone to fall asleep reading my post.