before the truth has its boots on. The major problem is that the racists and the ignorant have stacks of "facts" to throw at any given moment. They also have stupidity and intellectual dishonesty on their side. This is how they can say that Candidate Alito was being subjected to "racism" when there have been no recent reports of Italian-Americans being dragged behind trucks or beaten and tied to fence posts and left to die.
A great deal of reading and verbal sparring are required to both become familiar with the issue and dealing with stupid people. That's time and practice. In the meantime, here are some recent events and surrounding facts:
-The US government can respond to crises halfway 'round the world, e.g. the Indonesian tsunami and Philippine mudslide, in less than 48 hours, but needed 5 days to reach New Orleans and the US Gulf Coast--why?
-In the evacuation of Houston and the Texas coast because of Hurricane Rita, the interstates were jammed for hours, proving both that the rapid evacuation of urban areas is pretty close to impossible and New Orleans could not have done any better. Yet, there's no acknowledgement of those events--why?
-Most of the major state universities' undergraduate population is in the range of 4-8% black, on average, yet in the affirmative action case against the admission policies of the U. of Michigan, the plaintiffs argued that minorities with lower test scores were admitted ahead of them. Based on the above facts, one of their fellow whites would have been MORE likely to be admitted than a minority candidate, but they didn't argue THAT point--why?
In my experience, it won't stop the the feeling of entitlement of racial caste society, or even change any minds, but may force them to think about their beliefs and prejudices. That should be a good start.