to drink or is off her meds?
This is just sickening !!
This is just sickening. Only 56% have voted on the FOX poll to NOT ban the flag in school and something like 36%
voted YES, to ban it. What is going on in this country?? Read below.
Fox is running a poll about whether the flag should be banned in schools in order not to inflame Hispanic students.
The poll is being sandbagged by CASA and the SEIU and we MUST mount a counter action. If you agree with me that the flag should be taken down for no one.
Anti-American organizations eg. , Organizing for America , and SEIU have been twittering today to go to Fox Poll and vote to ban the Flag .... and right now it is working.
Let's flip those numbers and show the leftists we are organized and on themove....
flip the numbers now-FLIP THE HOUSE in November!
GO HERE NOW and vote to keep our flag in the public schools......: