originally posted @
http://www.thedemocratichub.com/posts/3657/republican-islamophobia.aspx 8-23-2010
Ho hum,
Bottom line on the controversy surrounding the Park51 project, or "the Groundzero mosque" (that's not a mosque, nor 'at' Groundzero): The Children of the Corn are endangering the Troops.
Over the last few days, my thoughts have turned to Grant's words to Sherman, over the use of black troops during the Civil War. Sherman, who had command over Freed slaves and volunteer black auxiliary units, did not want to put them in battle, believing they were only useful for manual labor. But he had not seen what Grant had. He had not seen what they were capable of, when they had been drilled, trained, and equipped for battle. Sherman had no time to train them: he was busy kicking the South's ass, there was no time for screwing around. He was McClellan with balls, a tactical master willing to bring the South to its knees for its traitorous cause, and nothing could be left to chance in pursuit of those efforts; black soldiers were a major risk, as far as he was concerned in his old-school racist opinion.
But Grant knew better, telling William Tecumseh Sherman that he was wrong, something few men in their day could have had the capacity to do, I believe it was something along the lines of 'WE WILL GAIN A GREAT AND NOBLE ALLY.' And these words are ever-so pertinent today.
Many support the rights of law-abiding Muslims to go forward with the Park51 plans, but they criticize the wisdom of the location, and even the President has tried to layer his support on these grounds to protect himself from the backlash of the public's rather awful opinions.
But I say, that the project is in our national strategic security interests; those against it are endangering the troops with their ignorance, lies, and fear. We should protect, assist, and encourage Muslims when they stand up against extremism; and the Park51 project demonstrates this country's unyielding commitment to isolating the extremist element as our enemy, instead of the broader whole of Islam.
El Prezidente Kaboom