This is a very detailed and complicated case per se, in fact I have a 100,000 word book (not published yet, was waiting until after the court circus so I could add a final chapter) explaining it in very granular detail. I provided a link below for some information and discussion that might be useful to you. the government has incorrectly and grossly misidentified me as some sort of radical based on my passing interest in the Reform Party (our current leader PM Harper was once a founding member), and they tried to link my interest with the Reform party to that of a White Surpremist group the Heritage Front (funded in silence by ex-CSIS agent grant Bristow). I was never a member of this organization, nor did I have any communication with them. What is startling is these original accusations happened almost 20 years ago, and, before I graduated from University with honours and entered into my MBA program. Their interference has included my work at IBM, a major Canadian bank and caused me issues crossing the border. Keep in mind I have no criminal record and have never been accused of anything (at least overtly). In fact I was actively involved in volunteering and even applied to the military while in University (but declined when I had to wait three months at which point school had re-started). Ironically I was even interviewed for a position in military intelligence, which at the time did not seem odd as I didn`t even know what intelligence organizations did. I have a secondary degree in Sociology, I am not the type to harm anyone or anything in civilian society, nor to attack someone based on belief, opinion, race, religious etc. I am a huge supporter of democracy and freedoms across the globe, though I am realizing the immense persecution that we in Canada face obtaining it ourselves.
At this point their interest in me has changed to focus on the fact that I know about this interference and their operatives and even complained to the SIRC (oversight committee) and numerous politicians. Essentially I confronted them in a desire to be left alone, instead it became worse. The final straw was the long delay at the U.S border, which I took particular offense to since I am a strong supporter of the U.S, their system and commitment to freedom of both speech, expression and opinion. The U.S border guard told me that they did not a have a problem with me, but to contact my government (obviously alluding to they fact that they flagged me).The actions and lack thereof of the defendants (CSIS and the RCMP) speak volumes.
I hope this helps. I appreciate the interest, in Canada there are zero organizations (or very very few) which are fighting for the democratic rights of its citizens. It is scary when one actually considers just how much power our intelligence agencies have, and whats worse is it is applied to their own citizens (unlike the CIA which has strict policy to not interfere with the domestic population).
My life, and that of my wife has been affected immensely, and for six years I have tried to clear my name with them and answer to any accusations, they have remained silent, but quite active in interfering with my pursuit of happiness, so to speak. At this point I have no other alternative than to reach out to everyone and anyone in the hope of obtaining some justice, advice, contacts and people to share my interest.