I'm a pre-baby boomer. My parents and siblings were welcomed into the U.S. in 1940, escaping the bombs over Britain. Dad was an "Air Raid Warden" in our new community in Pittsburgh PA. Even back then we were on alert for the German bombers that might bomb the steel mills. Most of the neighbours had a woman as the head of the household who worked in the steel mills since their husbands were off fighting "The War to End all Wars". There was great jubilation when the war ended.
Then came the Korean conflict - it couldn't be called a war because WWII ended all wars. Most homes had TV's and while eating dinner we were able to see our brave soldiers behind the front line over there. It was the sanitised version with no dead bodies being shown. We had to fight in Korea because communism was going to spread all over Asia if we didn't stop it. At least those in power did not lie to us that it was for "national defense" of our country. After all, war has always been good for the economy. That war sort of came to an end and the next thing we knew, we were in Viet Nam.
By this time, we were not only seeing war but were reading and listening to the atrocities of war and wondering why our brave soldiers were being forced to fight for something that did not have anything to do with our National Defense. We the young people had had enough. We got out in the streets and protested. We had sit-ins and saw our own National Guards being sent to Kent University to shoot at those protesters instead of protecting our national defense. That war also ended and a lot of people died because they couldn't get on the helicopters and were considered traitors for aiding the Americans. Even though Nixon was in power, the American people did not allow him to become king. Corporations did not own our country or media. Our founding fathers gave us a constitution that really protected us. When you voted for a nominee you pretty much knew he/she stood for the party he/she represented. When did we become fascists and how do we remedy this? Do we still have a constitution that is respected by all Americans? WTF???