So far, we're very pleased. Check it it your area for their mail order drug plan too. It's called Right Source. I have no idea if the prices are the same in every State, but here in Ga. the copays on Right Source are pretty good. Name Brands are $100 for 90 day supply, preferred brands are $25 for 90 day supply, and "GET THIS"...generic brands are FREE!!!! I questioned THAT many times because it sounded too good to be true, but it IS TRUE!
Our monthy premium for the whole package is $36/mo. for each of us. My husband has been to his regular Dr. 3 times and the specialist once since we've had the plan, and so far everything is working fine.
I do remember though that the agent I dealt with said CHECK TO MAKE SURE YOUR DR. AND SPECIALISTS IN YOUR AREA PARTICIPATE IN THE HUMANA PROGRAMS. Apparently he's found a few customers who mostly live in rural areas find that the only Drs. in their area don't participate. I checked all of ours and thre was no problem.
Other than that,