Medicare's Drug Benefit Plan Unveiled
A $300-million effort is being launched to educate 42 million beneficiaries about the prescription program, which begins next year.
By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
Times Staff Writer
January 22, 2005
WASHINGTON — Medicare officials Friday unveiled the final design for a prescription drug benefit that would take effect Jan. 1 next year, promising savings of hundreds of dollars for a typical middle-class beneficiary.
But officials acknowledged they faced widespread confusion and skepticism among retirees over how the voluntary plan would work — and even whether it was worthwhile.
Medicare Administrator Mark McClellan said a $300-million campaign was being launched to educate some 42 million elderly and disabled beneficiaries about their options. About 6 million beneficiaries who have very low incomes or are in nursing homes will be enrolled automatically.
The success of the effort should play a large part in determining whether the new benefit — a major initiative by President Bush that he spotlighted during his reelection campaign — becomes a valuable addition to the bedrock health program or turns into a politically embarrassing flop.<snip>