From a retiree newsletter:
Say NO to Social Security Cuts National Call-In Day – January 19, 2010
On Tuesday, Jan. 19, AFT Retirees, the Older Women’s League, Alliance for Retired Americans, and a number of other seniors, labor and women’s groups are calling on their members to flood the Senate with phone calls opposing a proposal sponsored by Senators Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) and Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) to reduce the national debt by creating a special fast-track commission whose primary mission is to cut Social Security and Medicare. The two senators are holding up other legislation until the Senate votes on their proposal. Debate begins on January 20.
Call your Senators Jan. 19 at 800/998-0180. You will then be connected to the Capitol switchboard. Ask to be connected to your Senator’s office.
Tell your Senators to vote against this runaway commission that makes a mockery of the democratic process. Social Security does not contribute to the national debt. It is insurance that workers have earned through their hard work. Social Security is fundamental to the economic security of all Americans, particularly women, seniors, minorities, the disabled, children who lose a parent, people who lose a spouse, and veterans.
The average Social Security recipient receives $13,860 annually, even less for the average female recipient. The sponsors were in favor of allowing billions in Wall Street bonuses. Robbing grandma to reward Wall Street fat cats is hardly sound economics.