Yesterday I saw an excerpt of an article about how much better than SS this Galveston TX opt-out plan was. Since then I've been trying to figure out how it could be so sucessful in light of everything else we have been reading on this topic. So today I googled the topic and found a report posted by the Pension Research Council
<snip> Key findings indicate that, in general, the Galveston Plan offers higher initial benefits than Social
Security to workers with higher earnings and/or in cases where there are no dependents that would
qualify under Social Security.3 Social Security tends to offer higher initial benefits than the Galveston
Plan to workers with lower earnings and/or to families with dependents who qualify for Social Security
benefits. Although many of Galveston?s initial benefits are higher than Social Security?s, they are not
indexed to inflation and lose value relative to Social Security?s over time. Galveston?s Plan does not have
a waiting period for coverage (full coverage begins in the first pay period of employment); it offers more
pay-out options (lump-sum or various annuities) than Social Security; and, in general, provides higher
benefits to those with higher earnings and/or those with fewer dependents who would qualify under Social
Security. Furthermore, under the Galveston Plan, contribution rates (payroll taxes) are higher than under
Social Security; there is a risk of outliving one?s benefits under certain pay-out options (lump-sum or fixed
annuity); there are no additional spousal or dependent benefits (benefits are based entirely on
contributions);4 benefits are paid to a named beneficiary and there is no guarantee that benefits will be <snip>