Poll: Tap wealthy on Social Security(end the cap on payroll taxable wages)
By Susan Page, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — <snip>Two-thirds of those surveyed by USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup last weekend say it would be a "good idea" to limit retirement benefits for the wealthy and to subject all wages to payroll taxes. Now, annual earnings above $90,000 aren't taxed.
But some ideas that President Bush said in his State of the Union address were on the table for consideration are rejected by solid majorities. By more than 2 to 1, Americans oppose reducing retirement benefits for those now under age 55. Nearly as many say it's a bad idea to raise the retirement age, and 57% are against reducing benefits for early retirees.<snip>
Even though Bush's address last week highlighted Social Security, he failed to convince more Americans that the retirement program is in a state of crisis or that his approach is the right way to fix it. In early January, 18% of those polled called it a crisis. Now 17% do.
Support for Bush's plan — creating individual investment accounts and reducing guaranteed benefits — is unchanged from January: 40% call it a good idea; 55% say it's a bad one.<snip>