Edited on Sun May-15-05 01:53 PM by oscar111
Moonie fm Wash. Times on McLaughlin Report , just lied.
"we promised these high ss payments and now we see we cant afford them"
see bottom line there.
Say we have 6O million on ss, and add ten K to each's income: That needs another 6OO Billion/yr., or O. 6 Trillion. Not even one Trillion.
Plus, each year we produce GDP eleven trillion. Plenty there too, to fatten up dem programs way past pre-Reagan levels.
Ending homelessness and hunger, only 16 billion ... a tiny part of just one Trillion, and we have wealth of 1O9 Trillion. The moonie lies.
Other dem programs: free dr's... 1. 6 trillion even without cutting the excess profits out of insurance, et, as Kerry planned. Fits easily within our economy.
jobs for all.. WPA .. harnesses economic output of those now idle, so zero cost
Reaganomics is a flop: wages lower now than when it began.... adjusted for inflation. Toss reaganomics, return to Truman's healthy tax structure... we had prosperity then because dem programs kept the middle class calm and productive. Dr's even made housecalls then!
A nationalized healthcare, could require housecalls again. Would you like housecalls?
Truman's tax structure would remove ALL the reaganomics cuts to dem programs, all of them frm the last 25 gruesome years.
No more tv news, "The city budget requires cuts to pothole repair, school repairs, police and firefighters, city workers, library hours, Harlem city hospital, wild pit bull dog catchers, mosquito spraying ...". No more such total nonsense.
GDP and wealth increase, yet budget shrivels? Total gibbering lunatic nonsense from some asylum.
Put reaganomics folks in straitjackets and carry them off to Babbling Brook Asylum.