The tax cuts and the prescription drug bill were the
President's two principal domestic priorities during his first term.
Together, these policies will cost at least five times as much over
the next 75 years as the Social Security shortfall (if the tax cuts
are made permanent). In other words, the President's domestic policy
initiatives will have resulted in fiscal problems much larger than the problem that he now says he wants to address.
We should note that this comparison uses the Social Security
projections of the Social Security Trustees. CBO, in contrast,
projects that the Social Security shortfall will be only a little over half as large as the Trustees do; CBO places the shortfall at 0.4 percent of GDP over the 75-year period. If one uses the CBO
projection of the Social Security shortfall rather than the
Trustee's projection, the cost of the tax cuts themselves is five
times the size of the Social Security shortfall and the combined cost
of the tax cuts and drug benefit is about 8.5 times the size of the
Social Security shortfall.<snip>