Is Divided on Social Security Push
By Jonathan Weisman and Jim VandeHei
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, January 7, 2005; Page A04
Amid deep divisions over the White House push to restructure Social Security, congressional Republicans told President Bush yesterday that the administration is damaging its legislative prospects with leaks signaling the need for deep cuts in benefits.<snip>
Republicans say the fledgling debate has not started on the GOP's strongest ground. Instead of arguing whether younger workers should be allowed to invest their taxes in stocks and bonds, Washington is focusing on the size of the benefit cuts the White House is contemplating, congressional Republicans say. <snip>
Before getting into the details of a restructuring, Wehner advised Republicans, they should "establish an important premise: the current system is heading for an iceberg."<snip>
"The real face of the Republicans' Social Security 'reform' agenda: First, scare. Second, cut. Third, privatize. Now that's a reform agenda," Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), a House Ways and Means Committee member, said in a statement.<snip>