,5744,11789045%255E30417,00.html GRASS has become established in Antarctica, showing the continent is warming to temperatures unseen for 10,000 years.
Scientists have reported that broad areas of grass are now forming turf where there were once ice-sheets and glaciers.
"Grass has taken a grip. There are very rapid changes going on in the Antarctic's climate, allowing grass to colonise areas that would once have been far too cold," said Pete Convey, an ecologist conducting research with the British Antarctic Survey.
Research by Mr Convey and his colleagues suggests one of the main reasons for the change is that the rising temperatures have brought forward the start of the Antarctic spring and delayed the onset of autumn, enabling the grass to produce mature seed which germinates and becomes established.
Antarctica has not always been ice-bound. Fossil records show it once had a temperate climate and was covered in dense vegetation.
since nothing is being done to stop global warming or even slow it down
shit is going to happen.
we will survive it or not.