The famous Bierman-Radin experiments show that perseptions can cause physical effects backward in time:
"8. Conclusion
Human physiology changes in predictable ways in anticipation of and after exposure to emotional visual stimuli. In a series of experiments reported by Radin (1997), it was found that even when stimuli were adequately randomized, so that the upcoming stimuli could not be inferred, that anticipatory responses (as measured by changes in skin conductance) before exposure to emotional pictures were significantly larger than before exposure to calm pictures.
The results of three new experiments, the first and third close replications and the second a conceptual replication of Radin’s studies, confirm what was called a "presentiment" or pre-feeling effect: The anticipation or "presponse" preceding emotional pictures in these studies, measured again as changes in skin conductance, was greater than the presponse preceding calm pictures. One of the three studies had an independently significant over-all effect (Mann-Whitney U: z = 2.4; p = 0.008, one tailed), and the compound score for the three studies pooled was significant (z = 2.16; p < 0.016, one tailed). Examination of the data suggest different presponse patterns for specific categories of stimuli, e.g., violent vs. erotic pictures.
Sequential response patterns and other possible artifacts were examined as a possible normal causal explanation of the data, but it is concluded that these data only seem explicable as a form of "backaction" or retro-causal effect due to conscious experience. Backaction was discussed in the light of the role of time-symmetry in physics. It was speculated that consciousness plays the role of a highly coherent absorber and is therefore responsible for constructive "backaction" rather than destructive retro-causal effects which are thought to arise from non-coherent absorbers." Pitkänen ( ) has extensive discussion about these experiments and their meaning for his theory:
"Consider now the TGD based explanation. In quantum jump deterministic quantum history is replaced with a new one: this means that, not only the future, but also the past changes. Therefore, if the mean galvanic skin response of the subject person provides a faithful representation for some aspects of subject person's deterministic quantum history, the entire time record about skin response must change to a new one in any quantum jump. If subject person experiences a highly emotional stimulus, the moment of consciousness is expected to be more intensive than for calm stimulus in the sense that the non-determinism associated with the quantum jump is expected to cause observable effects in a larger space-time volume of the quantum history (represented to a good approximation as quantum average space-time surface geometrically). Therefore also the change of the quantum past is expected to be more dramatic as it indeed seems to be according to the results of the experiment.
At first it might seem that there are no means to test whether the past has changed at the moment of consciousness. The experimental arrangement of Bierman and Radin, although certainly not originally planned to test quantum jumps between histories concept, circumvents in an ingenious manner this difficulty by comparing the skin responses associated with calm and emotional trials. Standard physics, which is based on assumption that there is no signal propagation backwards in time, predicts that the average
skin responses before the stimulus should be identical for calm and emotial trials. This is not the case so that the results of the experiments indeed support TGD based world view."