Associated Press
December 5, 2009
Rome - A group of European scientists said Wednesday that they have successfully connected a robotic hand to an amputee, enabling him to feel sensations in the artificial limb and control it with his thoughts.
The experiment lasted a month, and scientists say it was the first time a patient has been able to make complex movements using his mind to control a biomechanic hand connected to his nervous system.
The Italian-led team said at a news conference in Rome that last year it implanted electrodes into the arm of the patient who had lost his left hand and forearm in a car accident. The prosthetic was not implanted on the patient, only connected through the electrodes.
During the news conference, video was shown of 26-year-old Pierpaolo Petruzziello as he concentrated to give orders to the hand placed next to him.
"It's a matter of mind, of concentration," Petruzziello said. "When you think of it as your hand and forearm, it all becomes easier.",0,2955043.story