Incidents on the rise, officials say
Staff Writer
Published: Saturday, December 19, 2009 1:54 PM CST
Two Arkansas City men were arrested Monday night for trying to steal anhydrous ammonia from a tank at Two Rivers Co-op in Geuda Springs, in a case with similarities to one about two months ago, when three Ark City residents were arrested for stealing anhydrous ammonia at the Hackney branch of Valley Co-op.
Anhydrous ammonia is used in the production of methamphetamine, and thefts or attempted thefts are on the rise, a Sumner County sheriff's official said today.
more: $#!+ -- these people are doing Birch reductions with lithium in anhydrous ammonia to make meth.
Anh. NH3 is used as fertilizer, and is commonly found on large farms and ag. suppliers. I had heard they were suffering thefts, but didn't know what the use was. NH3 is not only an extreme exposure hazard -- when mixed with air, it becomes a fire/explosion hazard. There have to be MUCH safer ways to make meth, or a reasonable fascimile thereof. Note that the people who are injured in these ammonia thefts tend to be the workers at the facilities, and safety and police officers. If the meth-heads were just killing themselves off I'd be the first to heave a Darwin award in their direction and tell them to go at it. As it is, I'd encourage those farmers to keep their shotguns handy.