is the USDA's online soil survey, which I use all the time.
Hit the green button, which should open a new tab. Now (if their map server isn't being wonky), enter in your state and county, and use the zoom tool to zoom into your location. There's a button on the right end of the toolbar with the zoom buttons called "AOI" (stands for area of interest) and draw a box around your location. A little box will appear saying "Creating AOI". When the AOI appears, click the "Soil Map" tab next to the "Area of Interest" tab, which will show you the soil types mapped for your area. Look at the soil map and determine which soil type corresponds to your location, and then click that soil type in the map unit legend on the left. A window will pop up and you'll see a description of the soil. Look under the heading "Description" for the "Parent material" and it should tell you in what conditions the soil formed.
PM me if you need any help with the application.
Or, alternately, just tell me where the general location is and I can look it for you.