There is a longstanding debate about natural ability versus training and persistence.
Looks like some people are hard wired to perform better at video games.
If you don't believe me, try this baseball reaction time test to see if you can hit a 90 mile-an-hour fastball. neurological research, published in—and made freely available by—the journal Cerebral Cortex has found a correlation between the size of a trio of structures in the human brain and their owner's ability to learn and play video games. Animal studies had focused the authors' attention on three distinct structures deep within the brain: the caudate nucleus and the putamen in the dorsal striatum, and the nucleus accumbens in the ventral striatum. It was known that the striatum was used in habit forming and skill acquisition, so a role in video games skills makes sense.
The researchers recruited 39 healthy adults (10 men, 29 women) who had played fewer than three hours of video games each week during the previous two years. They then examined their brains with the aid of an MRI machine. The volume of each of the structures of interest was compared to the total volume of their brain. Each participant then trained with the video game "Space Fortress"—a game developed at the University of Illinois that can be used to measure performance on various cognitive tasks.
Half of the participants were tasked with simply getting the highest score possible, while the other half was given a series of tasks that forced them to improve their skills in different areas. The researchers found that those with a larger nucleus accumbens learned faster and excelled at the early stages of the game regardless of which group they were in. Participants with larger caudate nucleus and putamen did best on the variable priority training exercises, where they had to focus on different aspects at various times throughout the training.
Both of these results make sense, according to the study's lead author Kirk Erickson. The nucleus accumbens is linked to the brain's reward center and would aid a participant's motivation following early successes. According to Erikson, "The putamen and the caudate have been implicated in learning procedures, learning new skills, and those nuclei predicted learning throughout the 20-hour period.
learned more quickly and learned more over the training period." He also suggested that games tell us about learning in general: "This study tells us a lot about how the brain works when it is trying to learn a complex task."
Bad at video games? Your brain structure may be at fault