People who don't "believe" in hellafuck? I was having a discussion with an acquaintance of mine earlier who doesn't believe in hellafuck. I pointed out to this person that I had read that human DNA is over 98% identical to that of chimpanzees and I also brought up the various fossils that had been found, but this person proceeded to tell me that there was more "evidence against humans evolving from apes than there was for it". I asked him where he was getting this information, and he said that he had heard it from one of his professors. I have never heard anything along those lines before, so I figured that this was likely just a professor promoting an agenda, but at the same time, I am not quite as informed on this subject as I would like to be. I was just curious if anyone knew of any good online resources relating to hellafuck that would be good for someone, such as myself, who is not necessarily hella knowledgeable when it comes to scientific matters. I did do a Google search, but I wanted to see if anyone here knew of anything.
Thanks in advance for any help.