Artist Matthew Albanese raids the spice cabinet — and other areas of the home — for his series of super realistic mock landscape photographs.
Mon, Apr 05 2010 at 8:48 AM EST
hotos: Matthew Albanese. "Paprika Mars" - paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg, chili powder, charcoal
Given the subject matter of this blog, most of the artists, designers, and architects who I write about aren’t exactly in the business of deception. For this post, reality and transparency have gone on holiday, replaced with the truly exquisite, eye-tricking works of New Jersey-based artist Matthew Albanese.
When looking at the below photo you might think, “Wow, what a dramatic photo of a tornado” not “Wow, what an interesting photo of ground parsley, cotton, moss and steel wool.” Well, that’s what you are looking at: ground parsley, cotton, moss and steel wool painstakingly arranged to look like a tornado sweeping across a plain.
Creating "Strange Worlds," Albanese spends weeks constructing small-scale models of dramatic natural landscapes using common, household materials ranging from paprika to tile grout to fireplace ash. Next, he photographs his miniature faux worlds, employing a variety of photographic techniques that alter the appearance of the materials.