I would be too adhd to read the book. But I enjoyed the documentary and found it thought provoking.
It seems likely to me that once we have a fuller understanding of the actual makeup of the universe we live in, including all 11 or more dimensions and all the interactions between us and them, we should be able to make use of that knowledge to travel faster than light and possibly even enable near-instantaneous travel to any destination in the universe.
The thing that makes me think that there must be some kind of connection on a very deep level is the concept of quantum entanglement, which Chinese researchers have used to send data 16km (10 miles) without any sort of transmission.
Scientists in China have succeeded in teleporting information between photons further than ever before. They transported quantum information over a free space distance of 16 km (10 miles), much further than the few hundred meters previously achieved, which brings us closer to transmitting information over long distances without the need for a traditional signal.
Quantum teleportation is not the same as the teleportation most of us know from science fiction, where an object (or person) in one place is "beamed up" to another place where a perfect copy is replicated. In quantum teleportation two photons or ions (for example) are entangled in such a way that when the quantum state of one is changed the state of the other also changes, as if the two were still connected. This enables quantum information to be teleported if one of the photons/ions is sent some distance away.
http://www.physorg.com/news193551675.htmlEdit to add: The way this linked article above tells it, the only thing keeping us from instantaneous quantum communications between any two points in the universe is the ability to transport one of the entangled photons the desired distance away without affecting the delicate connection between it and the photon that must stay behind.
Taking this thought to a (possibly unwarranted) extreme, if we sent one half of the entangled pair out on a space probe to the other side of the universe the laws as we understand them state that you would have instantaneous communication across the entire length of the universe. How can that possibly be? My answer is that there is something that is a natural part of the structure of the universe that has always connected all points in the universe to all other points. I got to thinking about it and decided that a 5th dimension that did not follow the rules that caused the expansion of the known universe yet retained a connection or interaction could explain quantum entanglement.
We know that gravity is limited by the speed of light but according to some theories the particle that causes the effect we call gravity must be traveling not only in the 3 familiar dimensions but at least one other as well. This tells me that, in addition to the probably tiny 5th dimension, there are other spacial dimensions that are perhaps as large or larger than the size of the universe we know. At least that's how it seems to make sense to me.