Scientifically-challenged people like myself, who only know that nuclear power plants are big and powerful and lethal and scary beyond description - well, I'm not the only person in the world now taking a crash course on how nuclear reactors work, and what happened at Chernobyl, etc.
- I'm cross-eyed about now after reading and learning all I can the last couple of days...(sorry for hyper-yammering here)- - -
My point is, the dreadful status of the reactors in Japan has compelled many of us to get EDUCATED on the subject, and I am hoping the ignorance of people like me (in large numbers) will be dissipated by a new understanding of "how this works", what the realities are, etc etc. SO that better decisions about nuclear power can be made for both ourselves and, of course, all future living things.
(examples of how I know I'm not the only one: - - at bottom of articles are comments by others trying to quickly learn things I should have known a few decades ago) -
With kindest regards to you in particular and DU "in general" -
- Sandy