By John Roach
Multiple choice tests have long made teachers and students go ick, but a new variety launched today could be a game changer that improves science education in the U.S. by pointing out what students know, and, importantly, their misconceptions.
To get things started, let's look at a few sample questions. Like all multiple choice questions, one of the possible answers is right. Common misconceptions are also included in the choices. (Scroll to the end of the post for the correct answers. More questions and answers are available online.)
1. Which of the following is TRUE about the species that are living on earth today?
A. All species living today have existed since the time life began.
B. Most species living today have existed since the time life began, but a few have appeared more recently.
C. Most species living today did not exist at the time life began.
D. There is no way of finding out whether all, most, or only a few species living today existed since the time life began.