Harvard’s Edward O. Wilson tries to upend biology, again
On a recent Monday afternoon, the distinguished Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson was at his home in Lexington, talking on the phone about the knocks he’s been taking lately from the scientific community, and paraphrasing Arthur Schopenhauer to explain his current standing in his field. “All new ideas go through three phases,” Wilson said, with some happy mischief in his voice. “They’re first ridiculed or ignored. Then they meet outrage. Then they are said to have been obvious all along.”
Wilson recants "kin theory" to explain altruism and publishes the math to prove it.
What do you think?
One question I have about "kin theory": How do they explain people sacrificing all of their lives to helping others who are not related and nothing "like them"? Or helping animals?
A statement I know I agree with:
“This powerful tendency we have to form groups and then have the groups compete, which is in every aspect of our social behavior…is basically the driving force that caused the origin of human behavior.”
ain't 'that jut the truth.