Bussard was very clear, and Nebel et al have been quite determined, that the technology was intended to bring an end to the oil era. The only reason they applied for, received, and are continuing with Navy funding is because the Navy will fund the entire project. This is a long-shot idea which, if it pans out (which it thus far has), will immediately and forever transform humanity as a whole.
That was their stated purpose going into the project. The end of the oil era. Bringing our addiction to oil as a fuel source to an end will end wars, not start them. If the Polywell project works as Bussard was certain it would, we will be able to pull all our military forces out of the entire Middle East, as we will no longer have any compelling need o "secure our interests" in the region. This is because, if we have fusion power, we will have no interests in the Middle East. Oil, after all, is what all these wars and conflicts have really been about.
Not Arab vs. Jew, not Christian vs. Muslim, but West vs. East, with oil as the prize.
Fusion power will bring all that to an end. We will be able to gleefully tell the Saudis to go pound sand, and oh, by the way, you'll have to build it yourself, thanks. Electricity will literally be too cheap to meter because we will be producing far, far more power than we actually need. Furthermore, unlike nuclear reactors, a Polywell reactor will be small enough, cheap enough, and safe enough to be built by medium-size cities and up. Even large hospital complexes and universities will have these reactors because the power output and gain scale with the size of the device.
I think you should learn more about the Polywell project and what might be possible if (should I start saying "when"?) it works. We're on the brink of fusion power, and it will do nothing but good for all mankind when we finally figure it out.