I'm not sure it's true. In the sense that they preserved a lot of mss from N. African monasteries and libraries, yeah; in the sense that they motivated a fair number of monks to take their mss to safety in Europe, yeah. On the other hand, the way they "preserved" them was by looting the libraries; and the motivation was, after all, conquest.
There's also the idea that they did the same in the regions east of Arabia and helped bring novel ideas, such as the zero, from where they had been developed to Europe. On the other hand, they used the same "glorious" practices in "collecting" those ideas.
The "Muslim" golden age relied extensively on empire--in order to gather information, in order to have leaders powerful enough and awash in enough booty to be able to fund scholars and find ways to use them, in having enough excess manpower (largely through captive peasants and slaves) to enable others to not have to go grubbing for food and shelter.
I often wonder if in the absence of the Islamic conquest Byzantium would have returned to reassembling the Roman Empire, as they had been doing before their crippling war with Persia. What would have happened to Europe if Spain, France, the Slavs, Thracians and Dacians, Italians and many others hadn't had to deal with the threat of war and actual war on their southern and south-eastern peripheries; if France and other countries didn't have to deal with the Atlantic raids that the Muslims launched pretty much about the same time that the Vikings had tired of such games.
The Golden Horde established the same kind of confession-as-ethnicity that was common under Islam. This led to Jews clearly not being "Russian" and accentuated their status. It also clearly established that the Kievan Rus' system and the quasi-democratic system in Novgorod would die under a strongly autocratic, nearly theocratic system.
Sometimes I have the general impression that the Muslim "saving" of the Western "world" is rather like the story of the grateful dog whose owner, when the dog was hungry, cut off its tail, cooked it, and fed it to its former owner.