Usually I'm a pretty reasonable person. However, over the past day, various items in the media have begun to drive me mad. Maybe I've been watching too much of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares but I am bleeping irritated with how little fact checking and research some parts of the media have been doing when it comes to reporting on volcanic activity. I mean, just yesterday there were no less than three egregious articles or images floating around in the news (and this doesn't even get into the fear-mongering)
AFP: Hekla is not Heimaey Island. The only island Hekla is on is Iceland itself (see top left). And that volcano isn't even Hekla, it is Eldfell. I think the Volcanism Blog handled this best with Ralph's simple illustration of the problem.
Reuters: Hekla did not erupt this year (see image on side). In fact, the last eruption was in 2000, which was 11 years ago. In fact, no Icelandic volcano was erupting in "February of this year". Or last year. Or the year before. {Hat tip to Eruptions reader Raving for finding this one.}
CBC: The CBC might be trying for some record in inaccuracies, misconceptions and just plain loopiness in their new post titled "FAQ: The Destructive Power of Volcanoes". In Ramsayian style, let's disassemble the problems.