During Ars' trip to Fermilab earlier this spring, the staff was excitedly talking about their expectations for the summer. That's when the high-energy physics community has many of their meetings, and the expectation was that all of the major players—DZero and CDF at Fermi, and ATLAS and CMS at the LHC—would process as much data as they could and update the community on the search for things like supersymmetry and the Higgs boson, a particle that helps give all others mass. Right now, the Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics is happening in Grenoble, France, and the folks from Fermi will not be disappointed. The first results from the LHC have greatly expanded the mass range in which the Higgs won't be found, and left open the possibility that it might eventually turn up in the area of 140GeV.
Results have been presented by people from both ATLAS and CMS. Each of these has looked for evidence of the Higgs in different "channels," with each channel representing a different process for producing a Higgs, which will then decay into a spray of distinct particles and photons. (Symmetry Breaking has a decent explanation of some of this.) Each one of these channels is sensitive to a different range of energies, both because of the process that triggers the event, and because the background of similar-looking events also depends on the energy. As a result, you get a complex set of graphs, each generated in a different channel.

Each of the dotted curves shows the expected number of events based on the background of similar-looking events produced by something other than a Higgs decay. The solid curves are the rates of events registered by (in this case) the ATLAS detector. Merging all of these individual channels together gets you a single curve that spans the whole energy range, shown below.
For the most part, the observed data (again, a solid line) is very close to that predicted by a Standard Model background that doesn't include the Higgs (within the green and yellow bands). This indicates the detector is not seeing anything unusual in these regions. In some areas, like the one around 375GeV, it's seeing so little of the Higgs-like events that the observed data is significantly below that expected from the background. This has allowed them to exclude the possibility that the Higgs is hiding between 294 and 450 GeV. In other areas, like the one centered around 175GeV, the observations were close to what was expected, but we've seen enough of these collisions to know the Higgs can't be there, or the detectors would have seen many more events in the area.