The Zermelo Fraenkel axioms lead to many possible models of set theory. In some of these models, the Continuum Hypothesis is true, in others, it's false. A mathematician, Hugh Wooden, has proposed a method for resolving this issue. A method that allows moving to a higher plane and on this higher plane, only some of these models would be valid; and in all those models, the Continuum Hypothesis is true. This higher plane is based on Gödel's "constructibale universe".
The August 1 issue of New Scientist has a pretty good article on this. An excerpt:
For most purposes, life within these structures is the same: most everyday mathematics does not differ between them, and nor do the laws of physics. But the existence of this mathematical "multiverse" also seemed to dash any notion of ever getting to grips with the continuum hypothesis. As Cohen was able to show, in some logically possible worlds the hypothesis is true and there is no intermediate level of infinity between the countable and the continuum; in others, there is one; in still others, there are infinitely many. With mathematical logic as we know it, there is simply no way of finding out which sort of world we occupy.
That's where Hugh Woodin of the University of California, Berkeley, has a suggestion. The answer, he says, can be found by stepping outside our conventional mathematical world and moving on to a higher plane.
Woodin is no "turn on, tune in" guru. A highly respected set theorist, he has already achieved his subject's ultimate accolade: a level on the infinite staircase named after him. This level, which lies far higher than anything envisaged in Gödel's L, is inhabited by gigantic entities known as Woodin cardinals.
Woodin cardinals illustrate how adding penthouse suites to the structure of mathematics can solve problems on less rarefied levels below. In 1988 the American mathematicians Donald Martin and John Steel showed that if Woodin cardinals exist, then all "projective" subsets of the real numbers have a measurable size. Almost all ordinary geometrical objects can be described in terms of this particular type of set, so this was just the buttress needed to keep uncomfortable apparitions such as Banach and Tarski's ball out of mainstream mathematics.
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