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Crowdsourcing science: how gamers are changing scientific discovery

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n2doc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-05-11 12:10 PM
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Crowdsourcing science: how gamers are changing scientific discovery
For 15 years, scientists and their computers had tried to solve a biological puzzle seen as a key hurdle in the fight against AIDS.

On Sept. 18, the journal Nature Structural & Molecular Biology announced that two teams of computer gamers had solved it in three weeks.

Using a game called FoldIt, the teams uncovered the structure of a class of proteins scientists say is vital to the growth and reproduction of the virus linked to AIDS. The discovery could help scientists neutralize the protein.

FoldIt represents a unique approach toward engaging citizen scientists, and it is the latest innovation in a decade-long trend – researchers enlisting everyday people and their personal computers to take part in humanity's scientific enterprise.

Some scientists, like FoldIt's creators, seek to tap the competitive, problem-solving skills of gamers. Others are asking outsiders to make their computers part of data-crunching networks. And some amateurs are helping to classify everything from distant galaxies to features on the moon.

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WolverineDG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-05-11 12:32 PM
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1. I have a friend who is in the gaming industry & she went nuts over this
turns out that the game has 2 components---individual & team. The woman who came up with the solution couldn't get her idea to work in her individual game, but when she added it to the team's game, it worked.

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The Doctor. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-06-11 01:56 AM
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2. Not surprising...
But Wicked cool!

Knew that gamers were a go-to resource a while ago.

Back to Star Craft 2 now...
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