What’s the News: A new study suggests that watching brain activity when subjects are shown images of naked children can identify which are pedophiles. But what does this really mean in practical terms?
How the Heck:
24 self-identified pedophiles, from a clinic that offers anonymous treatment, and 32 male controls were shown pictures of naked men, women, and children. Blogger Neuroskeptic, who brought this study to the web’s attention, notes in an aside that getting that past a university ethics board is quite a coup.
Using fMRI, the researchers recorded their brains’ responses and found that by comparing an individual’s brain to the average of the pedophiles and the average of the controls, they could assign them to the correct group more than 90% of the time. Their handling of the statistics avoids the most obvious pitfalls: they used an analyses technique called leave-one-out cross-validation to avoid comparing a given scan to an average that includes it, a common error in neuro studies.
When they plotted how the neural scans lined up along the age and sex axes (see image above), the pedophile and control scans formed two clear, separate clusters.
The Future Holds: Realistically, we can’t judge people on their biological red flags—whether it’s brain scans or genetics—without entering a Minority Report-style future. That’s because being attracted to children isn’t a crime. Acting on it is. Generally, a brain scan is not required to find out whether the crime has happened—there are other, more reliable forms of evidence, like porn downloads. Given that, it’s unlikely that you’ll be seeing regular scanning for pedophilic tendencies anytime soon. And for that, we should be grateful.
http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/80beats/2011/10/05/can-brain-scans-detect-pedophiles/Wow, its looking increasingly like sexual orientation -- even pedophilia -- is a biological trait, not environmental.
We really may be hard-wired to be predisposed to commit certain behaviors.
(Of course, it could turn out that people are hard-wired to be inclined to be murderers too, but that doesn't mean society has to tolerate such behavior, even if it isn't really the perpetrator's fault he/she was born that way.)
Kind of scary where this research may lead, we may get to the point where parents can scan their child's brains in the womb and find out what inclinations the child may have when he/she grows up. Raises all sorts of ethical implications... an interesting time we live in, indeed.