’s Once and Future King
Posted by Doug Messier
on October 18, 2011, at 10:05 am
In the latest edition of The Lurio Report, Charlies Lurio reports on growing evidence that former NASA Administrator Mike Griffin wants his old job back:
I have now heard from two independent sources – though in both cases second hand – that Griffin was recently overheard telling Scolese that the main objective right now was to slow down the Commercial Crew program, because he figured he’d be back in charge of NASA under a new Republican White House. I suppose that a former official using his pals like this to undermine present policy is typical DC skullduggery, but I don’t have to like it. (Update: I hear that Griffin’s determination to get his old job back was being discussed “everywhere” at a recent major conference of aerospace professionals as well as later events.)
I figured as much months ago. And it’s bad news. Commercial crew will go bye bye if he’s installed back on the ninth floor of NASA Headquarters.
Griffin left the Constellation program in tatters when he departed at the end of the little lamented previous administration. He retreated to Huntsville, the very epicenter of Constellation activity, and has been fighting a rear guard action against everything the Obama Administration has tried to do to fix the human spaceflight program.
What a mess.