New planet, the youngest ever found, is revealed by cosmic trick photography
US and Australian astronomers cancel out light from solar cloud to reveal new planet LkCa 15 b forming in swirl of stardust
Associated Press, Thursday 20 October 2011 01.00 EDT
A University of Hawaii astronomer has captured the first direct image of a planet forming around a star. Dubbed LkCa 15 b, it is the youngest planet ever found.
The university's Institute for Astronomy said Adam Kraus used telescopes on Mauna Kea island to find the planet. He was working with Michael Ireland from Macquarie University and the Australian Astronomical Observatory.
LkCa 15 b is 450 light years away from Earth and being built by dust and gas.
Scientists had not been able to see such young planets before because their parent solar systems' light outshines them.