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A starship without an engine

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bananas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-21-11 02:04 AM
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A starship without an engine

Not Such a Stretch to Reach for the Stars
Published: October 17, 2011

ORLANDO, Fla. — A starship without an engine?


Yet here in Orlando, not far from the launching site of the space program’s most triumphant achievements, the government’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, drew hundreds this month to a symposium on the 100-Year Starship Study, which is devoted to ideas for visiting the stars.


Dr. Breeden remembered that in a chaotic gravitational dance, stars are sometimes ejected at high speeds. The same effect, he believes, could propel starships.

First, find an asteroid in an elliptical orbit that passes close to the Sun. Second, put a starship in orbit around the asteroid. If the asteroid could be captured into a new orbit that clings close to the Sun, the starship would be flung on an interstellar trajectory, perhaps up to a tenth of the speed of light.

“The chaotic dynamics of those two allow all the energy of one to be transferred to the other,” said Dr. Breeden, who came toting copies of a paper describing the technique. “It’s a unique type of gravity assist.”


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DetlefK Donating Member (449 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-21-11 03:33 AM
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