's Telegraph.
This wonder of the age, which has for several months past been in operation between Washington
and Baltimore, appears likely to come into general use through the length and breadth of our land.
Arrangements are already made for extending the lines to Philadelphia, New York, Albany, Buffalo,
Springfield, Boston, and various other cities and sections. Hon. Amos Kendall, Ex-Post-Master
General, has taken the management of the invention,-whether as proprietor or agent we are not
informed,-while the inventor is on a tour to Russia. We shall take an early opportunity to give our
readers a full and minute description of this invention, with explanations and illustrations of its prin·
ciples; but in consequence of the press and variety of matter which presses on it this our first number, we
are constrained to defer it. We will add the remark, however, that it is contemplated by the mer·
chants of our Western states, to communicate their orders for goods, &c. by means of the telegraph,
instead of abiding the slow and tedious progress of rail·road cars.