Our Day of Empowerment, Resistance, Celebration
As women worldwide face the dire effects of global economic depression, and the hardships—direct and indirect—of wars and occupations in Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan, the Women’s Commission of the Socialist Party urges activists of all nations to plan International Women’s Day events that focus on the ways women and people of color are especially hard-hit by the current economic crisis and ongoing assaults on human rights and civil liberties.
Here in the U.S., increasing numbers of women are struggling: as workers, as care-givers, and as members of immigrant communities. Due to the disastrous state of the economy, women face extra stress on the job and in the face of lay-offs. Making ends meet, always a problem, has become nearly impossible for many of us. Besides that, we are even more responsible than usual for the social service needs of friends and family, due to budget cuts, and to Federal spending that continues to prioritize the costs of war and domestic surveillance and intimidation over the needs of people for housing, healthcare, education, and jobs. These circumstances just worsen the underlying problems of gender inequality and racial bigotry.
However, it is important for all community members to publicly acknowledge how strong and resourceful women and families have been, and continue to be, in the face of exploitation, discrimination, and harassment.
For nearly 100 years, International Women’s Day—founded in 1910 at an international conference of socialist women-- has been an opportunity to honor women’s strengths, demand women’s rights, and protest those aspects of society that perpetuate our oppression.
On International Women’ Day 2009, join the women of the Socialist Party USA as we take to the streets to demand justice and equality in the home, at the workplace, and in the community.
Susan Dorazio, Convener, Socialist Party Women’s Commission
February 27, 2009
http://socialistparty-usa.org/iwd2009/History of International Women's Day