His point from his 25 things on Facebook: 14. I am staunchly Right to Life. I do not believe in second class humans, no matter what stage of development they are in. I have run though all the abortion-choice arguments and they are either de-humanizing, misleading or just plain false. This is my biggest disagreement with the Libertarian Party and will most likely be the reason we part ways. I invite all and especially libertarians to go to l4l.org (libertarians for life) and review their arguments. I also find it ironic that our own Mr. Macko, who the LPO sees as a bigoted, sexist, anti-semitic, homophobic, holocaust denying, white supremacist, believes that all humans have the same rights from conception to natural death, while other leaders in our party seem to think that rights are given to the developing child by the mother when she feels like it. It makes me beg the question, “If rights are given to us arbitrarily from somewhere outside ourselves, can they not be justifiably and arbitrarily taken away from us by something outside of ourselves?” and “ If the government allows a mother to decide when her pre-born child has rights, isn't it then the government who is actually giving those rights to the child by proxy?” if so then I could argue that all rights come from the government to the people and can be taken away from the people by the government which would make the foundations of libertarianism (and the U.S. Constitution) false. If you wish to present your abortion-choice arguments to me, please read the library at l4l.org before doing so. It will save us both time.
My Counterpoint (sort of a joke) 1:58pm March 8 Does my kidney have the same rights as my fetus?? I don't know how I'm going to send it to college!!
His dickish response (note the misspelling) at 12:41am March 9 Thank you Georgette for reinforcing my arguement. Your quip was dehumanizing to a developing baby. Again, please read the library at l4l.org. It covers your dehumanizing comparison of baby = tissue mass. Also, the DNA in your kidney is the same as the DNA in your heart, your developing baby's DNA is different than your kidney's, that is to say it is his or her own individual DNA.
My return response (note the logic, facts and reason) 9:29am March 9 Modern science tells us that some cells within the developing fetus are in fact not pluripotent. Thus,your kidney does have a good deal in common with your fetus (which has cells that are not pluripotent). It depends on surface antigens expressed on certain cells within the developing fetus whether they can become any cell (pluripotency) or have a predetermined cell fate. (King et al 2009 stem Cells Dev.)
Also, your logic in point #14 is flawed. Your argument assumes you are correct from the outset rather than arguing your point based on facts. To refer to a fetus as a pre born child assumes it's a child which of course presumes that one who gets an abortion is killing a child which is of course indirectly assumes the fetus is a child. This is called circular logic.