Fix your hair! I am a Tradeswoman, have been for 18 yrs. When I first started I totally believed I was equal, I had no idea of the views men held. I grew up in a family where I was told my parents "split everything 50/50" My dad housecleaned, cooked, my mom mowed the lawn. But every now and then I would get a glimmer of reality, at the time I didn't know what it was, but it didn't feel right. It didn't line up with the story being told. My Dad didn't want my Mom working, it was his job to provide financially, I remember her crying and pleading to take a job when he would be laid off. My Dad having a conversation with my 13 yr old brother about condoms in the kitchen, I overhear it and being 5 yrs older I say what about me?? Oh you are not going to do that. Fast forward 5 yrs, I have a child am unwed and struggling with no education or way out. My dad convinces me to get into the trades, you'll love it, they take care of the women. Seeing no other "way out" I do it. But I do it with the thought that I am going to be taken seriously. Well sadly to say I had a terrible time, some guys treated me good, but I was screamed at, had things thrown at me, hardhat pissed in, told I belonged at home etc.... When I went to my Dad to ask him "What can I do to be faster,better, make them want to keep me instead of laying me off" He replies, maybe you should wear makeup to work and do your hair. WHAT????? Here I am pushing to be a good Tradeswoman, and my dad who I believe to be committed to Equal Rights tells me this!!!! Needless to say my relationship with him has deteriorated ever since, and I hate it. I hate having to know he is like every other jerk I have worked with, that he holds the same beliefs as they do. With the death of my Mother 2 yrs ago, it has become even worse, he has since remarried the epitome of the type of woman I can't stand. I guess I should have realized his standing when he used to tell me at 17 that no guy wants a girl that has short hair, or is boisterous and speaks her mind. He thought he was being "honest,and helpful". I thought my view of men was ruined by the Trade I guess it started way before that. I mean I was told my whole life how great my dad was, but he really made me feel like shit, and I don't know why. Why would you tell your daughter at 16 after breaking up with a boyfriend "you're not the prettiest girl in the world??