May 10, 2009 ... I have always been a kind of naive Utopian wishful dreamer who thought the women's movement in 1971 would solve everything, all the discrimination, the inequality, the indignities. It didn't happen. Worse yet, there has been backsliding, especially during the '80s and the push-back on affirmative action. For instance, pregnancy discrimination is against the law, but if you walk into an interview, and you are pregnant, you are probably not going to get hired ... I will be 70 in June. Feminism keeps you young. I do not have a sense of age, except that I sort of look at the fact that I have fewer years left. The tragedy is we are not going to be around forever, and it is urgently important that we make every year count. I don't think I am going to be lying in my coffin thinking, "I am so glad I had my eyes done." Most people stand at a funeral thinking about the person's life and commitments and the people they affected. That is what counts ... http://www.courant.com/entertainment/hc-artsjava0510.artmay10,0,920072.story