ISTANBUL - Yet another tragedy of domestic violence occurred in Turkey this weekend when a young girl in the southeastern town of Siirt was stabbed by family members after she visited a male friend, according to a report by the Doğan News Agency. Seriously wounded, 17-year-old N.E.’s fight for life continued yesterday in intensive care.
Visit to male friend spurs brutal attack The incident took place Friday night. N.E. went to see her male friend, a D.J. working at a local radio station. Followed by her father and brothers, N.E was attacked in the office of the radio station where her friend works. The father and brothers first beat the D.J. Ö.M.E and then N.E. tried to escape by jumping from the sixth floor. After receiving first aid, she was then taken to the hospital but she could not avoid being attacked again by family members. Waiting for her to come to the hospital, family members attacked her as she was being carried from the ambulance into the hospital.
She was stabbed in five places.Hurt seriously, she was transferred to a hospital in Diyarbakır. Five family members were taken into custody. One was later released.
Three of the remaining four were released to be tried without custody. The girl’s brother Abdurrahim E., 23, was arrested ...